Veni, Vedi, Vici
A downloadable game
A map with different towns and villages, and players either act as the knights or the thieves. Each village has 1 resource, and the knights can use this to reinforce the defenses, or the thieves can steal it.
-Players- 3 vs 3
- The players play in teams. One team plays as knights while the other time plays as thieves.
- The players move individually, swapping between teams (ex. A knight goes first, and then a thief goes next, etc.) Each Round has 6 turns of alternating players.
- The players move around the map by rolling a die. The map is divided into spaces, and players can move across the spaces depending on a die roll, with the number rolled on the die corresponding to the number of spaces a player can move OR players can move within the threshold of their dice roll.
- Players start on their respective bases on the map.
- Each player has a token to represent their movement and location on the board. The players can decide what their tokens look like unless somebody draws up some tokens.
- Players do not necessarily have to move on their turn; for example, they may stay on a village tile to guard it.
- Once per game, each player on each team may yield their turn to one of their teammates, allowing that teammate to take two turns in a row.
- At the start of the game, a deck of 10 cards (with values ranging from 1 to 3 resources) is shuffled and distributed among the villages.
- Within the deck, there are 4 cards valued at 1 resource, 3 cards valued at 2 resources, and 3 cards valued at 3 resources.
- The resource cards are face down until a village is conquered for the first time.
- If the player lands on a village, they can roll again to make an action.
- A roll between 4-6 can steal/build defenses.
- If the player rolls between 1-3, they can’t ransack the town and must finish their turn (if they have a roll that happens to land exactly on the village, the other team takes their turn)
- The first time a village is conquered, the team that conquered the village gains the resource card that came with that village. The resource card on the village is not replaced.
- Villages can also be conquered multiple times. For example, if the thieves land on a village that’s already been conquered by knights, they can challenge the knights to a roll-off. If the thieves roll higher than the knights, they can steal the land from the knights. If the knights win, the land still belongs to the knights.
- If the team that owns the village that is being attacked has a player guarding the village at the time it is attacked, the defending team gets to roll two dice instead of one.
- If the player rolls between 1-3, they can’t ransack the town and must finish their turn (if they have a roll that happens to land exactly on the village, the other team takes their turn)
- Some of the spaces on the board have “resources." A player who lands on a resource space will claim that resource
- There are 6 total resource spaces (numbered from 1 to 6) on the board. Only 2 resources are present on the board at any given time.
- At the start of the game, a die is rolled to determine where the first two resources are placed. The number rolled on the die will determine which space the two resources will be placed in.
- For example, if the numbers rolled are 2 and 5, a resource will be placed on the 2nd resource space and the 5th resource space.
- Every time a player claims a resource, roll the die again to determine which resource space the next resource will be distributed to. A resource cannot be placed in the same spot it was placed previously; therefore, reroll the die if it yields a duplicate resource spot.
- Two resources can end up in the same resource space if two dice rolls yield the same resource space at any point in the game.
- For example, if the dice rolls both yield twos then both resources will begin on the 2nd resource space. This rule applies to game start, re-assignment of resources after they have been claimed, and the start of a new Round.
- At the start of the game, a die is rolled to determine where the first two resources are placed. The number rolled on the die will determine which space the two resources will be placed in.
🏆Win Condition🏆
- Whichever team has 5 villages and 30 resources can try and claim the main castle
- To fully claim the castle, 2 out of 3 of the players of one team must claim the castle. Claiming the castle ends the game.
Status | Released |
Author | tatiana le |
venivedivici_gamemap.png 8 MB
Install instructions
Please download the game map for Veni, Vedi, Vici. Feel free to have this map projected onto a screen or printed out!
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